Monday, April 9, 2018

The Interview

Hello! So today I interviewed my friend Isa Munoz for my two page spread. I asked her a series of questions so that I could include them in my two page spread. It was very interesting to see her perspective on the art scene and her future as an artist in today's society. This will be included in my two page spread alongside her artwork. The spread will serve to challenge societal conventions as well as misconceptions about careers in art. I can't wait for you guys to read it!! :)

Picking The Artwork

It's here! Isa sent me some of her artwork for me to chose from. My initial idea was to have the artwork be displayed as the cover image. After having consulting my partner Brooke and reviewing both of our issues I realized that it was best for me to switch my ideas around.

I instead will be including the artist portrait on the cover and the artwork on the two page spread. This is better in that it will focus more on the artist as well as introduce her better and captivate the audience to actually open the magazine and read/ view her artwork.

Below I have some of the images she sent me. All of her artwork is amazing and i had a hard time having to chose a limited amount.

This are just some of the pieces I have to work with:

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Table Of Contents

So for the contents I have decided to go for a more minimization and simple approach. I wanted to keep the minimal theme going in which the magazine is simple and aesthetically pleasing for the consumer upon reading.

Below I included some ideas for the contents page that I wanted to incorporate into my own design. I believe that it's best if this page is not as busy as perhaps the spread will be because this way it is easier on the reader to locate everything the magazine has to offer.

I most definitely want to include an image on the left page and the contents on the right. I would also like to keep the color scheme very simple of black and white. We will see how it goes.

Image result for table of contents magazine      Related image


(n.d.). Retrieved April 8, 2018, from of contents magazine&safe=strict&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS771US771&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiukNvGn7vaAhXqmq0KHbAfBqkQ_AUICigB&biw=1536&bih=740#imgrc=lW0F-t2mbMMg8M:

Saturday, April 7, 2018


This magazine like others that we have gotten inspiration from have a large social media presence due to the fact that her target audience ranges from teens to young adults which are heavy users of social media cites like Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter etc. According to " it was found that 73 percent of responding internet users aged 13 to 24 used social photo sharing app Instagram."

Because most magazines have a large social media presence now a days it is important that our magazine has one as well. In the two page spread I will be sure to include a shout out for the magazines Instagram account. This is a good strategy to use when looking to convert fans and become more successful via a large social media presence. I am planning to leave the reader wanting more. This will be done by telling the reader that the rest of the two page spread plus some more exclusive info can be found on our social media platforms.

By making use of this convergence strategy, it is more likely that our magazine will succeed in appealing to a larger portion of our target audience as well as individuals who aren't necessarily our intended audience. For example if a middle aged individual picks up our print at the store and sees the Instagram shout out, this may work as an incentive for the individual to look on Instagram and follow us for more stories, pictures, interviews etc. The same technique will apply when trying to persuade younger and more technologically inclined individuals to buy our hard copy magazine. We may include an issue that has exclusive photos or interviews with celebrities that will not be published on any of our social media or electronic platforms.


* All products require an annual contract.    Prices do not include sales tax    (New York residents only). (n.d.). Most popular social media with U.S. teens 2017 | Statistic. Retrieved April 7, 2018, from


As I mentioned in my previous post I wanted to make use of this amazing little tool called Vsco.
This app allows me to edit pictures and chose from a variety of filters that I can use to achieve the perfect look for my cover page image and magazine. I want to go for something that is vibrant and visually appealing to the audience. I want to captivate the buyer with an amazing cover shot. In class i learned that most magazine covers that include an individual on the cover are often shot straight on. If the subject is facing and staring into the camera directly it works as a way to captivate the audience. So that's exactly why I chose this picture for my cover image and edited it accordingly.

Citation: VSCO. (n.d.). Retrieved March 7 2018, from

Friday, April 6, 2018

Exploring Canva

As previously mentioned I was originally leaning towards using a magazine generator like that of LucidPress. After discussing it with several other class mates and my partner however, I realized that there was an easier alternative out there: Canva. I have been playing around with the app on my phone lately. They have a variety of templates to chose from as well as other things like fonts, graphics, logos, etc. I like that it is very convenient and can be used on my phone as well as my laptop. It is pretty self explanatory and easy to use.



Your browser is currently not supported on Canva. (n.d.). Retrieved March 5, 2018, from

Cover Photo Shoot

Photo Shoot Time!! Okay so today I got together with a close friend of mine who will be the person I will be interviewing for the piece. I decided to switch up my original idea. Instead of having a picture of the art as the cover page, i will instead include the art in the spread and a picture of the artist on the cover instead.

The photos shown were taken using my iPhone. I used portrait mode on some of the shots which is an effect that focuses only on the subject while it blurs out the surroundings. These pictures are also unedited and have no filters. I plan on editing the picture i choose using Vsco.

Vsco is an app that allows me to edit the brightness, saturation, exposure, color, shadows etc. I will go more in depth about the picture editing process in my next post.


Thursday, April 5, 2018

Two page spread Idea

For my two page spread I would want to include one page being a portrait of Isa. I want to ask her to draw some doodles surrounding her photo as a way to further emphasize her creativity and artwork.

Image result for doodles around photo magazine

I also researched what I could use to help create this doodle effect over the picture. There are a variety of apps that I can use to accomplish this.

How To Doodle:

Group session #2

Hey guys! So today was the second group meeting and I am super enlightened. My group consisted of Ariana, Anish, Cesar, and Daniel.

The last group meeting I had was helpful but none of the other members where making  a magazine. This time however the majority of my group was making a magazine. Both Anish and Arianna are completing a magazine for their project. It was very helpful to hear their ideas for their cover page, table of contents and their two page spread formatting as well. Anish recommended I use an application called Canva to actually create my magazine. As I mentioned before I was looking into lucid press but after looking into Canva and I found out that it’s  not only more user friendly but it is also a mobile app which is perfect so that I could work on my magazine wherever I am via my phone.

I also came up with a new idea for my two page spread. I want to include a blown out portrait shot of my subject on one page followed by a second page that includes a small intoductive paragraph and an interview dialogue portion. Surrounding the spread many of my group members suggested I incorporate some doodles or specialized drawings on the spread. I liked the idea of including doodles as a way to make it more personal and intimate.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Lucid Press: Yay or Nay?

Lucid Press has saved my life! I found out about this website when researching free magazine templates. I am not familiar with photo shop so I was a bit hesitant when it came to using it. This template is a bit difficult to use because many of the editing options and more elaborate choices for templates can only be accessed through having a membership.

I have used this in the past and had a very good experience but I am waiting for the group meeting to discuss whether or not it is the best tool to use or if there is another application I can use more easily and efficiently.


Lucidpress. (n.d.). Retrieved April 05, 2018, from

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