Saturday, March 31, 2018

More Info : Cover Page Time!!

I've decided to stick with my original plan and interview an aspiring artist for the spread! I have already consulted a close friend of mine who is very artistically inclined and willing to share her artwork, opinions, creative process etc. with me for this project.

 So as mentioned before the cover page for my issue of Identity magazine is one in which i'd like to either incorporate a photograph  the artist who will be interviewed holding their art OR have the artwork be the cover page.  I have linked the artist, Isabella (Isa) Munoz's Instagram page in which one can see her artwork on display. Check it out!!!

I have also looked for inspiration from even more magazines. Some being Milk and Interview mag. Both these magazines are more artistically oriented in their cover designs.  They include less portraits of models and individuals and rather focus more on artwork instead.

Image result for milk magazine cover
Image result for interview magazine covers
Image result for milk magazine cover


☆ isa muñoz ☆ (@ismuoz) • Instagram photos and videos. (n.d.). Retrieved March 31, 2018, from

(n.d.). Retrieved March 31, 2018, from magazine cover&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS771US771&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjs7uv-z5raAhWM54MKHQz1D2YQ_AUICigB&biw=1920&bih=974#imgrc=eOV9dFEyEUFE4M:

(n.d.). Retrieved March 31, 2018, from magazine cover&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS771US771&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjs7uv-z5raAhWM54MKHQz1D2YQ_AUICigB&biw=1920&bih=974#imgrc=lpmDO9fpq_xotM:

Friday, March 30, 2018

New Ideas

After researching different types of articles that are included in magazines like I-D and Dazed I have drawn a lot of inspiration from spreads I have come across. Most of the spreads cover topics like that of fashion, art, music, trends etc. These topics are more driven towards representing the youths creativity. Now the hard part is deciding whether I want to stick with my original idea of interviewing aspiring young artists or instead changing my scope to cover another topic like that of fashion or perhaps music.

I am also interested in including interview dialogue within my spread. I feel that including a more personal approach to the spread will further spark the audiences interest since it is more intimate and a more interactive read.

ID MagazineI-D magazine page layout

Interview style spreads often times include a brief summary of the individual and a continuation of questions asked which are often times written using a bold font followed by responses given by the person to these questions. This format is visually appealing to the reader and makes i easy to go through and understand. I also like the idea of including large visual representation of the individual being interviewed which serves to captivate the audience.

                                        The Room 16 – Exclusive preview #spread #print #magazine


Northcote, L. (2013, November 20). Double Page Spread Inspo. Retrieved March 30, 2018, from
Best Print Room 16 Exclusive Preview images on Designspiration. (n.d.). Retrieved March 30, 2018, from

Friday, March 23, 2018

The start of my two page spread

Hey guys! So in today's post i will be talking about my two page spread. As mentioned earlier my spread will be one that focuses on young artist. The spread will showcase their work and will include an interview in which i will ask a series of questions regarding things like their stylistic inspiration,

Sunday, March 18, 2018

How To Make A Magazine?

There are a variety of steps that must be taken to successfully build up the perfect magazine. 
These steps include picking a topic, title, cover image etc. It is important to read and research the proper steps that must be taken in order to successfully create a magazine that encompasses your vision. 

Incorporating graphics into the magazine is also another tactic that is vital in engaging the reader and insuring that they enjoy the subject matter being presented to them.  After conducting research on our intended audience it can be seen that less text is more likely to succeed. Instead of including extensive text the two page spread will instead focus on two to three columns followed by a multitude of visually pleasing images. 

"How to make a magazine in 12 steps." Lucidpress Blog. Accessed March 14, 2018.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Group Session

Today was a group meeting. I met up with Gabby, Nico, and Steven to discuss our portfolio projects. All of them are doing film openings and I learned a lot about their ideas and what they need to consider to accomplish their ideas.

We all shared our ideas for each project and offered constructive feedback. When I introduced my project and idea it resonated well among the group. They offered ideas for my cover page. I had initially thought to take a photograph and use it as a cover but I didn’t really have a solid idea of what it could be. Since my two page spread is about individuals pursuing careers in art, they suggested I ask one of them if I could use their art on the cover page. This was a good idea. Another suggestion for the cover page was made by Steven. He suggested I could photograph the artist sitting on a colorful chair with a white background creating the minimalistic look I’m going for while still including some youthful aspects of color and the artist.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Spread time!!

A lot of research has gone into developing the perfect type of spread for the magazine. The two page spread I ave decided to do is that regarding the subject of art and  young artists  who are looking to pursue a career in the arts. It is a topic that should appeal to the target audience of our magazine.

The two page spread will cover one of my friends Isa Munoz. It will include her artwork and story behind her creative process, and future aspirations.

I have been researching a few types of layouts for the two page spread and have decided upon a layout that will be of minimal texts and more pictures and interactive.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Social presence

Social media has also proven to be a pattern among all of the Magazines we have used as inspiration. A large social media presence is important to have given the fact that our target audience is predominantly is 18-30 year olds who consume and use these social media cites. Both Dazed and ID magazine are present on social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter. 

 My partner and I have been exploring these magazines and studying their social media presence. The styles of their Instagram feeds include promotional pictures for new magazine issues as well as exclusive stories that can only be viewed on their social media platforms which is a great example of cross media convergence.

My partner and I decided that we wanted to include this strategy in our own magazine. We had to brainstorm on how we could appeal our social media accounts in a way that would convert our readers from the hard copy to our social media account. We decided that somewhere on our magazine we would include a spread that partially tells the story being covered. We will then mention that the rest of the article/additional info can be found on our social media accounts, resulting in the consumer having the curiosity to check it out! 


W. (2016, April 26). Dazed Magazine Analysis. Retrieved March 08, 2018, from

I-D (@i_d) • Instagram photos and videos. (n.d.). Retrieved March 08, 2018, from

Dazed (@dazed) • Instagram photos and videos. (n.d.). Retrieved March 08, 2018, from

Sunday, March 4, 2018


Identity is defined as the fact of being who or what a person or thing is. This magazine, as mentioned in the previous blog post is intended to capture the essence of the youths identity and what they stand for. 

An individuals identity is decided by a variety of factors including their creative expression through fashion, music taste, actions, opinions etc. 

After picking a name for our magazine my partner and I brainstormed ideas for the font we wanted to chose to accurately represent our magazine's image and aesthetic. We used the website 1001fonts to help chose the perfect one. 

New & Fresh Fonts. (n.d.). Retrieved March 4, 2018, from

Saturday, March 3, 2018

The Name

A magazines name is an important tool for marketing to the specific target audience. This magazine is one that is intended to promote an idea of an acceptance of all aspects of youth culture. 

Youth culture is defined as the way adolescents live, and the norms, values, and practices they share. This magazine looks to incorporate and celebrate all of the youths accomplishments as well as talents, skills,and the change they promote in the world. 

The magazine must be one that incorporates all the aspects of what the youth represents. My partner and I have drawn inspiration from magazines like that of ID, Dazed, Wonderland etc. All these magazines are similar in not only their specific audiences (both male and female teens & young adults)but content as well. All three magazines cover topics such as fashion,music, art, culture, and photography.


About – Wonderland. (n.d.). Retrieved March 02, 2018, from

D. (n.d.). Dazed & Confused Magazine | Fashion, Art, Music, Film, Ideas. Retrieved March 02, 2018, from

Friday, March 2, 2018

The Begining

Hello!!! and welcome to the documentation of my creative process. After obtaining the knowledge regarding this topic through the course of the year, I am looking forward to sharing my creative vision through this magazine issue. 

Before starting off on this journey my partner Brooke and I brainstormed ideas of what the final product of our magazine should entail and look like. We drew inspiration from youth culture, art , and fashion magazines like that of I-D and Dazed magazine. These magazines are two of my personal favorites because they are very modern and artistic in nature and overall style. 

Our magazine name is still in the works but we are trying to find a name that provides the overall message we want to portray to potential consumers of our product. Both my partner and I have discussed and decided that a flexible magazine that covers many aspects of all youth culture whether it be art, video games, movies, music,social media, current news etc. 

Image result for dazed magazine
Image result for dazed magazineImage result for id magazine

Welcome To My Blog


My CCR! Enjoy :)